Primary Years Programme (PYP) in Siena

At our international Elementary School in Siena, 6 to 11-year-olds are invited to explore their academic, social, physical and emotional skills through an engaging elementary education. Students develop their talents and abilities during classroom-based learning and co-curricular activities, which are brought to life through immersive, multi-disciplinary lessons.

A dedicated team of teachers supports children in their transition from Early Years education and at each stage, from grade 1 to 6. By working with parents, teachers seek to ensure young children reach their potential while undertaking our international primary programme and as part of the wider school community.

siena migliori scuole primarie

Why Choose Our Elementary School in Siena?

Our Elementary School in Siena strives to develop cultural understanding within internationally-minded young people.

We aim to foster the attributes of the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile in our Elementary School community by offering exceptional learning opportunities for personal and academic growth as part of our delivery of the Primary Years education. Student inquiry is guided by conceptual ideas that are connected to six transdisciplinary themes of global significance.

PYP: Five Essential Elements

Our Elementary School programme features a transdisciplinary curriculum which is delivered through an inquiry-based approach to conceptual learning and teaching. This international pathway is taught in over 100 countries around the world, and at our Elementary School in Siena, children are at the centre of learning and teaching practices.

The primary-level education we provide encourages cross-curricular study by bridging different subjects to allow children to transfer and apply their knowledge, understanding and skills. The five Essential Elements of the primary programme are outlined below.

classi di una scuola primaria di siena


We encourage younger students to see learning as a set of valuable experiences that, besides providing intellectual development, guides how they act. Learning, then, leads to positive action and service. Students are encouraged to reflect, choose wisely and act responsibly with peers, school staff and in the wider community. They also have the opportunity to contribute to the work of the student council.

alunni delle scuole elementari di siena


The Learner Profile is a set of attitudes our Elementary School teachers aim to foster in our students, which are discussed, modelled and reflected upon through the units of inquiry. These twelve attitudes help students become lifelong learners on the global stage.

studiare nelle scuole elementari in inglese della città di siena

Key Concepts

Thinking conceptually through a unit of inquiry helps students view topics and issues through various lenses. The PYP is built around eight key concepts which are applied across all subject areas. They are:

  • Form: What does it look like?
  • Function: How does it work?
  • Cause: Why is it this way?
  • Change: How does it change over time?
  • Connection: How is it connected to other things?
  • Perspective: What are the points of view?
  • Responsibility: What is our responsibility?
  • Reflection: How do we come to know things?
curriculum pyp nella città di siena


What we teach is based on PYP themes, current research and the specific needs of our school community. At the start of each unit, parents receive a Unit Newsletter outlining the objectives for the unit and how parents can support their children in developing understanding of the units’ goals. Clear-cut assessment tools, strategies and standards align with those outlined in the IB.

lingua inglese alle scuole elementari siena


Besides learning skills that pertain to specific subjects, there are many transdisciplinary skills that our students acquire. They transcend subject areas and are not limited to any single subject. Such approaches to learning are developed throughout the units of inquiry.

PYP Grade System

At our Elementary School, we employ a international grade system whereby children are placed into classes according to their age at the time of enrollment.

Age International Programme Italian System
5 yrs Grade 1 Early Years
6 yrs Grade 2 6 yrs / Primary School
7 yrs Grade 3  
8 yrs Grade 4  
9 yrs Grade 5  
10 yrs Grade 6  
educazione fisica presso una scuola elementare di siena

Physical Education

Elementary Physical and Health Education (P&H Ed) focuses on learning about, and through, physical activity. P&H Ed offers a variety of active learning experiences that help students develop their Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills, understand the importance of being physically active and the holistic nature of well-being.

During P&H Ed lessons, children are encouraged to build the motivation needed to make healthy lifestyle choices and engage in individual and team sports, dance and movement composition, martial arts, yoga, and contemporary activities, including parkour and ultimate frisbee.

scuola elementare nelle vicinanze con attività

Extra-Curricular Activities

At our Elementary School, primary education extends beyond the classroom. Teachers foster passion and enthusiasm in our young students, which opens up new horizons and reveals exciting and challenging possibilities for academic and personal growth. Our Elementary School division offers a host of after-school clubs organised by staff members, who lead activities based on their own individual talents and areas of interest.

At the start of the year, families receive an overview of the clubs offered and children may sign up for activities that pique their interest. Clubs run regularly throughout the academic year. Currently, options for Extra-Curricular activities include Visual Art, Football, Performing Arts, and Mixed Sports.

pyp scuola a siena con il circolo dei compiti

Homework Club

Support with homework is offered on Mondays and Thursdays throughout the school year, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. This club is open to all students in Grade 2 and upward, and children who attend gain help and guidance from staff in the completion of homework assignments. School Choir and Band activities are held at break times during the school day.

Contact Us Today

Learn how we can support your child at our elementary school as they explore their abilities in a nurturing, international community.