Middle Years Programme (MYP) in Siena

At our international Middle School in Siena, 11 to 16-year-olds are invited to build upon the skills of inquiry and apply critical-thinking techniques to develop their knowledge. The Middle School Programme encourages students to take increasing responsibility for their own learning processes by building an awareness of their individual learning strategies while applying the knowledge and skills acquired. 

Students receive a Middle School education that focuses on cultivating personal talents and developing autonomy. Autonomy is key, as it enables students to apply what they have learned and critically assess the information they receive.

siena migliore scuola media

Why Choose Our Middle School in Siena?

At our Middle School in Siena, students follow an international system, which provides a framework for learning that encourages growing individuals to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers. 

The Middle School education we offer emphasises intellectual rigour and seeks to encourage students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. It also fosters the development of communication skills, intercultural understanding and global engagement, all of which are essential for young people who are bound for global leadership.

MYP Grade System

Upon enrollment at the school, children will be placed in a grade that corresponds to their age. The table below outlines the grade structure employed in our Middle School division.

Age International Programme Italian System
11 yrs Grade 7 Secondary School Grade 1
12 yrs Grade 8  
13 yrs Grade 9  
14 yrs Grade 10 Secondary School Grade 2
15 yrs Grade 11  
provincia di siena scuole medie con myp

Middle School Curriculum

At our Middle School, we offer an enriching approach to learning. Students develop intellectual capacities and awareness in modern science, IT and art laboratories, and may participate in extracurricular activities, which play a central role by emphasising the interdisciplinary nature of traditional subjects. Throughout their education, middle years learners are supported as they develop a holistic vision of knowledge.

As the next step in the IB continuum, the MYP seeks to build upon the knowledge acquired at the primary level by encouraging students to become independent, internationally-minded lifelong learners. Students engage with a comprehensive and challenging curriculum that helps them establish a strong foundation in the major subject areas, including foreign languages. Skills development and knowledge goes hand in hand to ensure growing students become thoughtful, creative and valuable members of the international and Italian communities. Our educators are caring and experienced, and know that children seek security, support and success at this highly-important phase in their lives.

scuole medie in inglese a siena

Integrated Curriculum

Our aim is to provide an international education, while furnishing the essentials of the Italian State Curriculum, as we do at the Primary level. Our Middle School programme is integrated with the Italian Scuola Media programme so that Italian students are prepared for the end-of-year Italian Exams, which they invariably excel in. Our international students do not take the Italian state examinations unless they choose to do so.

MYP Subjects

The international Middle School curriculum is based on eight different subject areas:

materie artistiche myp a scuola media


materie globali per studenti delle scuole medie

Individuals & Societies

materie scolastiche italiano e inglese

Language & Literature

lezioni di supporto linguistico nella scuola media

Language Acquisition

scienze nella scuola secondaria in siena


matematica come materia di scuola media


scuola media sportiva in provincia di siena

Physical & Health Education

curriculum scuola media siena


scuola media nelle vicinanze con attività extrascolastiche

Extra-Curricular Activities

Our Middle School students discover valuable learning opportunities beyond the classroom. Our school in Siena offers a broad and exciting ECA programme to ignite the passions of those in the Middle Years by providing extra-curricular activities (ECAs) that offer independence, new skills, the chance to meet others, and competition on a national and international scale.

Clubs are led by our dedicated and talented staff members, who run activities throughout the year. A full list of extra-curricular clubs is sent to families at the beginning of the first term. This year's club options include Visual Art, Football, Performing Arts, Coding and Robotics, and Mixed Sports.

programma educativo myp a siena

Homework Club

At the Middle School stage, students are required to complete homework assignments to demonstrate independent study skills and subject understanding. If they wish to do so, Middle Years students may receive homework support from school staff every Wednesday from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm.

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Discover how we help students develop their talents and skills in preparation for a bright, rewarding future.